Meet Kristin Young, our esteemed Editor at Famous Points Beauty. A Princeton University graduate with an insatiable passion for fashion and beauty, Kristin has gracefully steered our editorial ship for three years. Our paths crossed serendipitously on a flight back to our hometown, where we discovered our shared love for all things luxe, from cashmere to concealer.

And then there’s Donna Black, affectionately known as “Don” to those who know her best. Behind the lens, Donna is a vision herself, with cascading blond locks that seem to dance with the wind. With her discerning eye for color, composition, and a collection of candy-colored lipsticks that could rival a makeup artist’s palette, Donna brings a unique flair to every photoshoot.

Together, Kristin and Donna form the dynamic duo that brings the essence of Famous Points Beauty to life. With Kristin’s sharp editorial instincts and Donna’s artistic vision, they capture the essence of beauty and fashion in every image and word.

Kristin’s journey to Famous Points Beauty began with a prestigious education at Princeton University, where her curiosity for the intersection of fashion, beauty, and culture was ignited. After honing her skills in various editorial roles, fate intervened and led her to our doorstep. Since then, she has been the driving force behind our editorial direction, seamlessly blending her expertise with her innate passion for storytelling.

Donna’s path to becoming our resident photographer was equally fortuitous. With her natural talent and eye for detail, she effortlessly captures the essence of every beauty moment, turning ordinary images into works of art. Her love for photography blossomed at a young age and has only flourished over the years, culminating in her role as the creative force behind our captivating visuals.

Beyond their professional accomplishments, Kristin and Donna share a bond that extends beyond the confines of the office. Their friendship, forged through shared experiences and a mutual love for all things beautiful, infuses every aspect of their work, creating a synergy that is both palpable and inspiring.

In Kristin and Donna, we are privileged to have not only talented individuals but kindred spirits whose passion for their craft elevates Famous Points Beauty to new heights. As they continue to weave their magic behind the scenes, we eagerly anticipate the beauty and creativity they will bring to our readers for years to come.